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   Popcorn chicken mashed potato bowl Pasta Grilled cheese Tacos  Pizza
Welcome to Regional School District 13 Foodservice webpage.

Welcome to Regional School District 13 Foodservice webpage.

  •  Breakfast is NOT covered by the state this school year.

  • - High School Breakfast                                 $2.50 to $3.25

    - High School Lunch meal tiers                  $4.00 to $5.00

    - Milk Price                                                                               .75 

    - A la carte items available at most schools, priced individually.


    *2024-2025 The Connecticut General Assembly and Governor Lamont passed legislation in the 2024 legislative session that enables the CSDE to pay participating schools in the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program for the household share of costs for one breakfast and one lunch per student per day who is determined eligible for reduced-priced

    school meals in school year 2024-25.

Breakfast / Lunch Program Apple in hand

Please click on this link for information on menus, prices and Free & Reduced lunch applications.


2024-2025 CRHS menu

 Our goal is to provide the students of RSD-13 a variety of healthy and nutritious food choices. Our meals meet the National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Program and the Healthy Food Certification  guidelines that include limiting fat & saturated fats as well as providing the recommended dietary allowance of protein, calcium, iron and vitamin A & C. All meals consist of the 5 food components; proteins, dairy, whole grains, fruits & vegetables.


Video on How to complete the application:

* Please note; We continue to be affected by the nationwide supply chain shortage.  Some food and beverage products normally provided to students may not be available or arrive as scheduled.  Due to unforeseen circumstances, last-minute changes and product substitutions may occur.  Be assured meals will remain balanced, healthy and plentiful.  We ask for you patience and understanding as we do our best to meet the needs of our students.

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Healthy eating patterns are essential for students to achieve their full academic potential, full physical and mental growth, and lifelong health & well-being. Schools have the responsibility to help students and staff establish and maintain lifelong healthy eating patterns

Fast Lane logo Click icon for order form

on line ordering link:  "NEW"!  Students that are IN-SCHOOL do NOT have to pre-order only distance learners need to pre-order their meals.  The menu choices will be available in the cafe for the students to choose from. Refer to the menu above for your lunch selection.

MYPLATE blue 2024-2025 CRHS Lunch Menu

                  A la Carte Menu
CRHS logo

Food Labels

Summer REACH OUT Program

Medical Statement Form

HFC (Food & Bev) Fundraising Request Form


Jane Schmitt, CRHS Foodservice Manager


Milk Substitutions for Children with Medical or Special Dietary Needs

Milk Substitutions for Children with Medical or Special Dietary Needs

If your child is lactose intolerant and would like the district to allow your child to substitute their lunch beverage choice for an approved milk substitute, you will need to provide a note from your physician acknowledging this disability.   The district does not offer milk substitutions for non-disability students or for students whose culture, religion or ethical beliefs preclude the consumption of cow’s milk.  For those students with a recognized disability who cannot consume cow’s milk, the school will omit or substitute fluid milk based on the written statement from a licensed physician. The written request from the medical authority must identify the student’s medical or other special dietary need that precludes the consumption of cow’s milk.  No other information is required.



School districts can choose to offer one or more allowable fluid milk substitutions. These include low-fat (1%) or less lactose-free or lactose-reduced milk or an allowable nondairy beverage (such as soy milk) that meets the USDA nutrition standards for milk substitutes. The USDA recommends that lactose-free or lactose-reduced milk is the first choice for a student who has lactose intolerance.

School districts can choose to offer only one milk substitution. For example, the district can choose to offer only low-fat lactose-free milk. If a student decides not to take this substitution, the district is not obligated to offer any additional milk substitutions.  A nondairy beverage that meets the USDA nutrition standards for milk substitutes could also be offered, but is not required.

Juice and water cannot be offered as milk substitutes for nondisabled children at any time. If a school district chooses to make milk substitutions available, they must include either low-fat (1%) or less lactose-free or lactose-reduced milk or a nondairy beverage that meets the USDA nutrition standards for milk substitutes.  Lactose-free or lactose-reduced milk (low-fat (1%) or less) and nondairy beverages are the only two options that are allowed for milk substitutions in the USDA school nutrition programs.

Mark Basil

Director of Food Services, 860-349-7982