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The Regional School District 13 Preschool Program housed at Brewster Elementary School (for children ages 3 through 5) integrates children with special needs with typically developing peers within a developmentally appropriate play-based setting.  The preschool program follows guidelines and procedures in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act which states, “A preschool child requiring special education and related services is entitled to a free and appropriate public education on and after his/her third birthday.”  Developmental screenings are conducted by a team of early childhood professionals through structured observation, throughout the school year.  Parents interested in having their child participate in a developmental screening should call the Student Services and Special Education Office at (860) 349-7208.
Peer Model Lottery
In order to be considered as a peer model, a Preschool Lottery application must be completed and the child must attend a playgroup introduction meet and greet and participate in a 1:1 interview with the preschool team.  A new Preschool Lottery application needs to be submitted each school year.
Application Deadline for the 2025-2026 School Year is February 21, 2025.  Applications may be mailed or delivered to:
            Regional School District 13/Preschool Program
            Office of Student Services and Special Education
            135A Pickett Lane, PO Box 190
            Durham, CT 06422
Parents/Guardians will be contacted after the application is received to:
  • confirm attendance for the playgroup introduction meet and greet to be held on February 28, 2025.
    • Children who will be 4 before August 28, 2025 should attend 9:00 am - 9:45 am.
    • Children who will be 3 before September 1, 2025 should attend 10:00 am - 10:45 am.
    • Parents should plan to attend a parent orientation meeting while their children participate in the playgroup.
  • schedule 1:1 interviews with the preschool team.  These will be scheduled on either March 7 or March 14, 2025.
Requirements for Preschool Peer Models:
  • Durham, Middlefield, or Rockfall resident.
  • Complete and submit a lottery application no later than February 21, 2025.
  • Attend a playgroup introduction meet and greet to be held on February 28, 2025
  • Participate in a 1:1 interview with the preschool team on either March 7 or March 14, 2025.
  • Children must be at least three years old at the start of the program.
  • Children who will be age-eligible for Kindergarten are not eligible for the Preschool Program.
If chosen as a Peer Model:
  • Provide a recent physical and current immunizations through completion of the Early Childhood Health Assessment Record (ED191).
  • Complete and return the entire Preschool Registration Packet.  Please note part of the registration packet is providing proof of residency and the child’s birth certificate.
  • Parents/Guardians must provide transportation.
  • Parents/Guardians must adhere to the Preschool Program tuition schedule.